what is life without an impossible dream ?

A conversation with Dr.Muralidhar Pai.

Thursday March 14th 2002 [17:25]

An interesting conversation with Dr.Muralidhar Pai in Malayasia,


I am not afraid of using my real name. It is just that I like to sign my mails with the more personal nickname of mine, which is /.\ n a n d. I hope, that clears your confusion. I had given my complete personal details to They chose not to publish it.

Now let me answer to your colleagues comments, {All throughout the story you say there is a god, everywhere in everybody who (The god himself) is teaching us love.You choose to end with- I want to live in a world where there is no God (Is it not contradictory). Yes, Sir .. It is contradictory ... Not by accident ... It is meant to be ... I and you, intelligent guys of this world can understand to a certain extent, the essence and meaning of the word God. But put yourself into an uneducated man standing on the soil of Ayodhya. What is going through his mind ? His views of God are influenced by the epics and the various (mis)interpretaions of God by people who want to twist the mass opinion in their favour. So although God is a noble notion in itself, It is not practical in a world like ours. That is why i say, until each one of us have the sense to understand God, let there be no God. And everyone knows that to expect all people to be sensible is impossible. So I wish to be reborn in a world, where there is no God. You say, let there be no religion (You claim to understand true meaning of religion and then deny it). Same as above. I understand Religion. Others dont. Others are a majority. So I dont want religion in order to have peace. You say, let there be no believers. For, every believer (Have you lost faith even in yourself, have you lost faith in the world. This world is so beautiful because majority of people can think rationally not because of handfull of fanatics) can turn into a fanatic with the right amount of provocation. The sensible people of this world are always the passive observers. And the fanatics, even though a minority, are the more active and hence dangerous. In India, while the intelligentia shun the politics, the ignorant and the gundas take control of the government and decide the way we live. Until man has the sense to understand God (After writing so much about understanding how can you say that man does not understand god. Or you think you are not man), let there be no God. Indeed, a Krishna, Jesus or Allah would be willing to die a thousand deaths if that would bring peace to this world. Yes, I am a sensible man. But I am also a minority. No use what i think. It is the mass thinking that needs to change. and it wont. So I dont want a God. Let us kill religion (Do not borrow words from the same fanatics whom you denounce in the name of decency)so that humans can live. Yes, I want to live in a world where there is no God. Fanatics understand tough words. Only by shocking people with tough words can i hope to change the status quo. If i had used any lesser words, I would have got far lesser impact. Is it not just to show yourself as god or you believe you are equal to god} I have no pretensions of being God or showing off. I am just a concerned citizen who refuses to see India burn and keep quiet. I have written what I thought is right. To take it or leave it is your perogative. Thanks and Regards.

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