what is life without an impossible dream ?
Saturday, 13. April 2002


I have a fetish for the letter 'S' ...about which you can read something here .

I noticed that the actual name of most people on this blog starts with an 'S' ...Syl, Shyam, Sathish, Satya, Sesha ...

What say? ........




Man shoots off brain tumour

This guy cracked odds better than the super lotto. At 1:254 million, he managed to put a gun to his head and blow off his tumour instead of his brains. A touch of scepticism recommended.

This kid reads reads and reads. So why are his parents worried? Because he has a rare disease called hyperlexia, meaning excessive reading




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dreaming for 8368 Days.
last dream at :  4/6/02, 1:34 PM.
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Some two years after I'd last posted my question, I see my login still works here. Simbly wunnerful!  ...
by codelust @ 10/24/05, 7:24 PM

Scruples, anyone

Here's a game that promises to test our values. I think it can be played on a collaborative blog. Here's how it works. Every player on his turn gets two things: a question and an answer. The answer could be yes, no, perhaps. The question will relate to an ambigious situation in life. Like for instance player A gets the question: "You make a major mistake in your work. It results in a loss for your company.... ...
by ashok @ 5/6/02, 7:19 AM


For those who do not care to learn the Japanese language and don't know why, this might prove an interesting read !  ...
by syl @ 4/29/02, 10:14 AM


:(  ...
by anand @ 4/27/02, 10:32 AM


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April 2002

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